To promote, establish, start, maintain, organize, run, manage, supervise, superintendent, co-ordinance, control, guide and grant aid to the hostels, Madrasah for Muslim Student with residential Hostel practical classes, Madrasah, Masjid, Maktab, libraries, and other educational institutions for the promotion of the arts, literatures, science and commerce:

  • To run, maintain, manage and carry on the above Madrasah for the purpose of education for the Muslim students.
  • To give necessary education to the students who desire to be taught through Bengali, Urdu & Arabic medium only.
  • To render sincere and efficient services to the students of the Institute by the qualified and experienced teachers;
  • To foster the ideal of spreading good education and provide quality education among the students of the Madrasah. To improve the standard of teaching and learning of the Madrasah.
  • To hold and conduct examination among the students of the Madrasah on the courses of the Madrasah from time to time and to award the successful candidates.
  • To help the needy students of Muslim communities for the prosecution of their studies;
  • To promote fellow feeling and cordial relation amongst the students. teachers, guardians and the management of the Institute.
  • To teach Arabic Islamic Culture (.e. Quran Majid, Tafsir, Fiquah, Quid wa Kaima to the Muslim without any fees and to promote the teachings of prophet Mohammad (peace upon him).
  • To affiliate itself with such other recognized institutes, bodies, societies, whose objects are fully or in pact similar;
  • To arrange and organize annual sports, cultural functions and competitions, picnic, educational tour programmes etc. among the students for the recreation of the students;
  • To form a Social Welfare & Religious Madrasah for the General people & the Minorities.
  • To appoint qualified and experienced teachers to teach the students through scientific methods;
  • To teach other subsidiary subject which are necessary to expedient for Arabic education and Islamic Culture, beside this Persian, Urdu, Bengali and other language as required free on cost and to established a library for culture and research of education for fulfillment of object of the Madrasa.
  •  To develop a sense of Islamic social responsibility and self-confidence of lead and command.
  •  To promote fellow feeling and cordial relation amongst the students, teachers, guardians and the management of the Madrasah.
  • To organize free Ambulance Service for the needy patients.
  • To establish and maintain Computer Education Centre and vocational training centre for the purpose of Education among the interested students by the Qualified Teacher.
  •  To strengthen the sense of Islamic dignity and unity among the Muslims and the sense of pride for our country.
  • To grant scholarships, stipends, awards and prizes, financial aid and assistance’s and other emoluments to students, research scholars and to undertake any research works for the attainment of the objects the TRUST.
  • To co-operate with the Government and Non-Government organization for any development activity of the rural and urban areas:
  • To work for development of community awareness and vocational education for the rural women:
  • To perform work on progress of knowledge for rural people and to establish and maintain libraries, reading rooms, adult literacy classes, for educational technical, agricultural or medical knowledge:
  • To cultivate the art and Islamic culture and habit of living and working together to enhance fellow feelings activities and integrated activity;
  • To seek receive and take any subscription or gifts or donation of all kinds like money or property both movable or immovable donated by any organization or individual in INDIA for any of the objects of the
  • TRUST: by way of valid instrument.
  • To raise fund by way of donations, fees etc. from any persons the state of central Government Organizations, companies corporate agencies, institutions or otherwise for the TRUST and/or to preside funds to such beneficiaries as many be identified by the TRUST: All donation any person or any organization by way of valid instrument and must be attached as per proper legal norms and valid document and receipts.
  • To arrange Hajj Training Center and/or take necessary steps for the smooth management of the Hajj Jatri pilgrim.
  • To organize and establish Mosque and/or Research Centers, Fiqha Academy, Darul Ifta, Darul Qaza and such other Institutions for the promotion or moral values in the day to day life.
  • To establish and maintain adult Education Center especially in the Rural Areas and in Slums for eradicating illiteracy and ignorance and to appoint teachers and supervisors for managements of such Centers.
  • To encourage athletic activities of youth and student and to conduct tournaments, sports and game for them.
  • To study and demonstrate the art of ISLAMIC CULTURE & NAMAJ & ISLAMIC RULES & REGULATION.
  • To help the needy students of the communities for the promotion of studies & to form a BAITUL MAL FUND.
  • This Trust shall be commenced on and from 01/09/2021.
  • The Settler and Trustee not the owner of the Trust property they are only custodian of the property they cannot claim any property as his/their own property.
  • The trust shall never borrow and/or augment money from the public or open market by announcing attractive financial investment scheme.
  • All aims /objects/purpose of the trust herein stated above shall come into effect/force after necessary appointment of the competent govt. authority in the case where affiliation /permission/license/ sanction is required.
  • The trust will never acts like Micro financing, micro credit, franchise and Money Laundering (act-2012) Economic offence/crime and in nature and shall not obtain any donation or like that from abroad without getting the permission of FCRA ACT from the central Govt./the competent Govt. authority which the Trust and the trustees are responsible for and the whole trust is void. And come under the all punishable laws.
  • The Trust will never acts which are illegal and unlawful in nature and also oppose to the public policy and contrary to the law of the country for which the trust and the trustees are responsible for that and the whole trust is void. and come under the all punishable law.


Office bearers of the trust shall be initially as follows:-

The Board of Trustees is also Empowered to created any office bearer post and elect office bearers to fill up the post form the Trustees and/or from outside the Board of Trustees. The above office-bearers shall be elected by the co-option of the Trustee at a meeting convened for the purpose.